When We Celebrate Black Girl Magic Meeting Politics


Do the names Donna Brazile, Yolanda Caraway, Leah Daughtry and Minyon Moore ring a bell? If they don’t, they should. Each uniquely different, yet sharing in many similarities. These phenomenal women have been trailblazers in their own rights for many years in the political arena. They are the most powerful women of color in their field. Recently ColorComm DC: Women of Color in Communications hosted an amazing intimate event, “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Politics”, which is a book written by the aforementioned women, who have been and continue advocating for our rights. It was a night packed with candid conversation about all things politics, voting, a few personal touch points, and the most recent happenings in the news. If you weren’t in the room, you truly missed a time to glean from these women who not only walk the walk, but talk the talk, and even wrote and published a book about their journeys within politics.

MillBuzz had an exclusive opportunity to be in the room for media coverage and ask the Donna Brazile a question that all millennials should be asking. Be sure to watch the video below to hear the question and to here Brazile respond.

Be sure to support by purchasing your own copy of the book available on Amazon and other retailers where books are sold.


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