We Always Need a Vacay: Three Ways to Plan Your Next Travel Adventure



Bermuda, Bahamas, come on pretty mama!

There is nothing more peaceful, relaxing, and enjoyable than an international vacay. No matter if you are doing an all-inclusive trip where you are staying on a resort, or cruising there, it’s sure to be a fun time.

Recently, I visited Bermuda on a Royal Caribbean cruise. My first cruise, and I must say that everything was royal regarding how they cater to and treat you while cruising the Atlantic on this fabulous cruise line. Vacationing is essential to the overall wellbeing and mental, physical, and emotional health of everyone. No matter if you are retired, fresh out of college, or mid in your career, getting away and taking a break from all the constant day to day hustle and bustle is key.

There are quite a few reasons why a lot of people are unable to take a break and travel as often as they should and would like, and most of the time, it doesn’t have to do with money. There are so many ways to travel on budget now a day, compared to before in the past. Groupon, booking through a travel agent to get insight on the best deals, and simply planning well in advance, so that if you must, you can make payments toward your vacation, are a few of the ways in which you can snag a good deal on your next trip. It’s always a great idea to start planning your next vacay upon returning from a trip. Why you might ask? Well, even though you probably spent all your money on the trip you are returning from, you are already in the frame of mind of “that vacation was amazing, and I can’t wait until my next one”. It’s like the old saying goes, out of sight out of mind. Once we get back acclimated to our daily routine, work, school, family life, self-care practices, it’s easy to forget about planning our next vacation, because there is always something that requires our immediate attention.

Here are three ways to plan your next dope vacation:

  1. Decide if you want a relaxing time, if you want to party it up from sun up to sun down, or if you want a mix of the two, which is somewhere in between.
  2. Would you rather do a cruise where once you get on the ship, most things are included or all inclusive? This allows you an opportunity to “pre-game” and party it up before arriving to your destination. It’s fun times, you get an opportunity to eat and drink all day and night to your heart’s content, and not have to worry much about pulling out your wallet for everything, unless you choose to. FYI: The drink package on a cruise is a must! Trust me, you’ll thank me later. If you’d rather do an all-inclusive trip, then having a travel agent is a great idea, unless you travel a lot and know how to find the best deals yourself. Remember, you shouldn’t ever have to pay a travel agent. They receive commission through the booking of your trip.
  3. If you have a top three places to travel list, I’d shoot for one of those top three places. You only live once, so live it up and enjoy. Also note that travel is always going to be more during the summer months, depending on where you are going. If you are a summer baby like me, and like to travel for your birthday, well…. you don’t really have a choice.

Be sure to let us know where you plan on traveling to next. It’s not too early to start planning for next spring or summer.

Bon Voyage!


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Patrice Tartt is the Editor-in-Chief of MillBuzz.com, bestselling author, entrepreneur, speaker and the Dream Big Writing Coach®. Patrice is based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area, and has been quoted and featured in Inc., Everything Girls Love, ESSENCE, BET, Houston Defender, The Network Journal, Publishers Weekly, Parents Magazine and She Knows. She has also contributed to ESSENCE, Black Enterprise, Sheen, HuffPost, MadameNoire, EverythingGirlsLove, Upscale Magazine, and Curly Nikki. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her son, traveling, and shopping. Patrice is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Stay connected with Patrice through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @PatriceTartt.


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