AWN: A Woman’s Narrative Is Sure to Have a Global Impact


Cheryl Wood is an international speaker, published author, speaking coach, and entrepreneur, whose goal is make an impact everywhere she goes. She is fearless, motivational, indeed a phenomenal woman, and no stranger to overcoming personal adversity, and turning lemonades into a profitable lemonade stand. She’s a mover and a shaker, a make it happen no matter what type of queen, who is completely unstoppable. I’ve had the pleasure of personally knowing Cheryl for the past several years, and have watched her soar from good, to better, to great. She is not only the epitome of greatness and does things that are a benefit to her, but also gives a helping hand to like-minded individuals to help them to better themselves.

This past Saturday, MillBuzz had the pleasure of attending her inaugural A Woman’s Narrative LIVE Summit at the University of Maryland College Park, which was executed beautifully. Fifteen women from various backgrounds and walks of life, stood boldly in their power of being a victor over a victim, and shared very personal stories of triumph and success. Additionally, Miko Branch, CEO of the multimillion dollar hair company, Miss Jessie’s keynoted the event, sharing strategies for success and how we all can pursue our dreams. The ladies and men who attended were in for a treat, and left feeling inspired, motivated, and ready to overcome all challenges that they are currently facing, by hearing the stories. We hope that Cheryl expands AWN across the country and eventually across the world. The impact that this event can have is not only country wide, but global. To learn more about Cheryl Wood and her upcoming events, visit


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